A matriz da pequena cidade de alegria era muito bonita e
recebia várias caravanas de fieis que a visitavam e faziam peregrinação, nesta cidade
muito pequena com apenas 3 mil habitantes vivia Gorete uma mulher de fibra
trabalhadora guerreira e honesta, ela tinha três filhos dois homens e uma moça,
eram Paulo, Zaqueu e Catarina, eles eram pessoas humildes e também trabalhavam
duro como a mãe, só que com uma diferença a mulher tinha muita fé em Deus a
filha também dizia ter, já os filhos estes diziam não acreditar em Deus. Certa
manhã de sábado chegou na cidade uma caravana de longe muitas mulheres e moças
chegaram até o bar para comprar água e sorvete, Paulo estava lá e se encantou
com umas das jovens, mas como não tinha religião não podia ir à igreja pensava
ele, ao chegar em casa disse a Catarina você que vai na igreja vê se descobre o
nome daquela moça para mim e mostrou quando ela saía do bar. A irmã concordou o
dia passou e eles foram para a pracinha, lugar pequeno todos se conhecem e
reuniram vários amigos e começaram a beber, Zaqueu disse a seu irmão pare de
beber, não tem costume e nossa mãe vai perceber e já sabe o que vai acontecer,
amanhã e domingo e nós vamos almoçar na casa da patroa dela. Irritado Paulo se
zangou com o irmão e continuou, Catarina estava voltando da igreja com sua mãe
e acenou ao irmão este foi direto para casa, estava curioso para saber o nome
da mulher que roubara seu coração à primeira vista.
Ela se chama Alzira e sua irmã Aparecida. Tudo bem só
quero conhecer ela, na manhã seguinte se levantou e foi para a pracinha
aguardar para ver Alzira passar, quando ela passou ele a chamou pelo nome e se
apresentou, se cumprimentaram deram dois beijinhos no rosto e só, mas ele
queria conhecer direito a moça, então disse olhe eu posso falar contigo após a
missa, ela disse vá a igreja depois saímos juntos e nos falamos. Ele com medo
de dizer as besteiras que sempre dizia sobre Deus disse eu sou de outra crença.
Mentira ela afirmou eu vi sua mãe e sua irmã na igreja falei com elas, eu só
vou com contigo depois que saímos da missa então se não vai bay estou indo.
Paulo meio que sem jeito com muita vergonha acompanhou ela até na porta e
depois ficou esperando, ao sair eles conversaram bastante e começaram a
namorar. Ele tinha 30 anos e ela 28 estavam na idade certa ela disse, ela
morava numa cidade distante da li 10 horas de viagem como iriam se encontrar
novamente voltaria na cidade somente no próximo ano. Alzira estava encantada
pelo rapaz e vice-versa, o dia foi como um segundo para eles, o rapaz nem foi
no almoço da mãe ficou o tempo todo grudado na moça daí dois dias ela iria
voltaria a sua cidade. Na manhã da viagem o moço estava ao lado da amada
choraram feito crianças e depois de tantas promessas ela se foi, ele tinha
prometido que iria nos próximos meses até lá se falariam por telefone e via
A viagem teve muitas surpresas desagradáveis, o ônibus capotou e muitas
pessoas se feriram alguns mortos e entre os feridos graves Alzira e Aparecida
as irmãs, ao ver o noticiário Paulo enlouqueceu e começou a pensar numa maneira
de ajudar sua amada. Chamou sua irmã e pediu o dinheiro emprestado chamou um taxi
e seguiu até o local do acidente não muito distante da cidade dele. Quando viu
a situação do ônibus seu coração acelerou não deve ter sobrevivido ninguém
disse o taxista, ele chorava e sem saber o que fazer foram ao hospital buscar notícias,
os passageiros todos estavam lá, ele procurou pelo nome na lista que havia
pregada na portaria, Alzira tinha sido removida para UTI do hospital de outra
cidade. Em desespero ele fechou os olhos e pediu educadamente, Jesus eu sei que
andei falando muita besteira como você não existir, mas se salvar minha amada
eu prometo ser fiel a ti até o meu último suspiro de vida. Pedindo ao taxista
para prosseguir até a outra cidade começou a rezar não sabia como fazer mas
dizia Deus eu sou pecador, mas por favor ajude minha namorada salve a vida
dela. Passados 21 dias ele nem sabia mais o que era sorrir e conversar apenas
rezava havia pegado os livros de orações de sua mãe, e nestas alturas a família
toda teve que rezar com ele, ele não perdia uma visita ao hospital e quando
ficou sabendo que Alzira deixou o centro de unidade intensiva ele ficou
contente poderia falar com ela agora. No quarto foram mais 16 dias ele sempre
junto dela, depois de tudo ela nem seguiu viajem simplesmente voltou para a
cidade de seu grande amor, 90 dias depois se casaram e eram pessoas que viviam
a frente das coisas da igreja, ele prometeu e cumpriu. A família de Alzira
estava muito satisfeita com a família do marido da filha, eles gostaram tanto
da cidade que resolveram comprar um terreno e se mudaram para lá. Alzira e
Paulo tiveram filhos e viviam contentes trabalhando na plantação de sua família
no terreno comprado pela família.
Texto da escritora Luzia Couto. Direitos Autorais Reservados a autora. Proibida a cópia, colagem, reprodução de qualquer natureza ou divulgação em qualquer meio, do todo ou parte desta obra, sem autorização expressa da autora sob pena de violação das Leis Brasileiras e Internacionais de Proteção aos Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual.
-Luzia Couto é autora do Romance "Uma prisão no paraíso", á venda nas livrarias Clube de Autores (Versão Impressa) e Amazon (Versão Digital).
The matrix of the small town of joy was very beautiful and received several faithful caravans who visited and made pilgrimage, in this very small town with only 3000 inhabitants lived Gorete a woman warrior and honest working fiber, she had three children two men and a girl, were Paul, Zacchaeus and Catherine, they were humble people and worked too hard as the mother, but with a difference the woman had great faith in God's daughter also claimed to have, since the children they said they did not believe in God. One Saturday morning arrived in town one away from caravan many women and girls came to the bar to buy water and ice cream, Paul was there and fell in love with one of the young, but as had religion could not not go to church he thought, to get home told Catherine you going in've church discovers the name of that girl for me and showed when she left the bar. The sister said the day passed and they went to the square, small place everyone knows each other and met several friends and started drinking, Zacchaeus said to his brother stop drinking, no custom and our mother will realize and know what will happen tomorrow is Sunday and we'll have lunch at the home of her employer. Angry Paul was angry with his brother and continued, Catherine was returning from church with his mother and waved to his brother that went straight home, was curious to know the woman's name who had stolen his heart at first sight.
It is called Alzira and her sister Ali. Okay just want to meet her the next morning he got up and went to the playground waiting to see Alzira pass, when she passed he called her by name and introduced himself, shook hands gave two kisses on the cheek and just, but he wanted to know right the girl, then said look I can talk to you after Mass, she said go to church then headed out together and speak. He afraid to tell the bullshit that always said about God said I am of another faith. Lie she said I saw his mother and sister in the church spoke to them, I'm just going with you after that so we left the Mass is not going to bay'm going. Paul kinda awkwardly too embarrassed accompanied her to the door, then waited as he left they talked a lot and started dating. He was 30 and she 28 was the right age she said, she lived in a distant city read 10 hours of travel as they would meet again back in town until next year. Alzira was delighted by the boy and vice versa, the day was like a second for them, the boy was not in the mother's lunch was all the time glued to the girl give two days she would return to his city. On the morning of the trip the boy was beside the beloved wept like children and after so many promises to it was, he had promised that he would in the coming months if there would speak by telephone and via the Internet.
The trip had many unpleasant surprises, the bus overturned and many people were injured and some dead among the seriously injured Alzira and Aparecida sisters, to see the news Paul went mad and began to think of a way to help your loved one. He called his sister and asked for the money borrowed called for a tax and went to the crash site not far from his city. When he saw the bus situation his heart fluttered should not have survived no one told the taxi driver, he was crying and not knowing what to do went to the hospital to seek news, the passengers were all there, he looked for the name in the list that was nailed to the ordinance, Alzira had been removed from the hospital ICU from another city. In desperation he closed his eyes and asked politely, Jesus I know I've been talking a lot of nonsense like you do not exist, but to save my beloved I promise to be faithful to you until my last breath of life. Asking the taxi driver to proceed to the other city began to pray but did not know how to say God I am a sinner but please help my girlfriend to save her life. Last 21 days he did not even know what was smile and talk just prayed had taken his mother's prayer books, and at these times the whole family had to pray with him, he did not miss a visit to the hospital and when he learned that Alzira He left the uti he was glad I could talk to her now. In the room were over 16 days it always with her, after all she had not followed journey just returned to the city of his great love, 90 days after they married and were people who lived in front of the things of the church, he promised and fulfilled. Alzira The family was very pleased with the daughter of her husband's family, they liked it so much that the city decided to buy land and moved there. Alzira and Paul had children and lived happy working on the plantation of his family in the land bought by the family ..
.Texto Luzia Couto. Copyright reserved to the author. The copying, collage, reproduction or disclosure of any kind whatsoever, the whole or part without the prior and express authorization of the author. Rights are guaranteed in the Brazilian and international laws of intellectual property protection and disrespect will be subject to the application of appropriate penalties.
-Luzia Couto é autora do Romance "Uma prisão no paraíso", á venda nas livrarias Clube de Autores (Versão Impressa) e Amazon (Versão Digital).
The matrix of the small town of joy was very beautiful and received several faithful caravans who visited and made pilgrimage, in this very small town with only 3000 inhabitants lived Gorete a woman warrior and honest working fiber, she had three children two men and a girl, were Paul, Zacchaeus and Catherine, they were humble people and worked too hard as the mother, but with a difference the woman had great faith in God's daughter also claimed to have, since the children they said they did not believe in God. One Saturday morning arrived in town one away from caravan many women and girls came to the bar to buy water and ice cream, Paul was there and fell in love with one of the young, but as had religion could not not go to church he thought, to get home told Catherine you going in've church discovers the name of that girl for me and showed when she left the bar. The sister said the day passed and they went to the square, small place everyone knows each other and met several friends and started drinking, Zacchaeus said to his brother stop drinking, no custom and our mother will realize and know what will happen tomorrow is Sunday and we'll have lunch at the home of her employer. Angry Paul was angry with his brother and continued, Catherine was returning from church with his mother and waved to his brother that went straight home, was curious to know the woman's name who had stolen his heart at first sight.
It is called Alzira and her sister Ali. Okay just want to meet her the next morning he got up and went to the playground waiting to see Alzira pass, when she passed he called her by name and introduced himself, shook hands gave two kisses on the cheek and just, but he wanted to know right the girl, then said look I can talk to you after Mass, she said go to church then headed out together and speak. He afraid to tell the bullshit that always said about God said I am of another faith. Lie she said I saw his mother and sister in the church spoke to them, I'm just going with you after that so we left the Mass is not going to bay'm going. Paul kinda awkwardly too embarrassed accompanied her to the door, then waited as he left they talked a lot and started dating. He was 30 and she 28 was the right age she said, she lived in a distant city read 10 hours of travel as they would meet again back in town until next year. Alzira was delighted by the boy and vice versa, the day was like a second for them, the boy was not in the mother's lunch was all the time glued to the girl give two days she would return to his city. On the morning of the trip the boy was beside the beloved wept like children and after so many promises to it was, he had promised that he would in the coming months if there would speak by telephone and via the Internet.
The trip had many unpleasant surprises, the bus overturned and many people were injured and some dead among the seriously injured Alzira and Aparecida sisters, to see the news Paul went mad and began to think of a way to help your loved one. He called his sister and asked for the money borrowed called for a tax and went to the crash site not far from his city. When he saw the bus situation his heart fluttered should not have survived no one told the taxi driver, he was crying and not knowing what to do went to the hospital to seek news, the passengers were all there, he looked for the name in the list that was nailed to the ordinance, Alzira had been removed from the hospital ICU from another city. In desperation he closed his eyes and asked politely, Jesus I know I've been talking a lot of nonsense like you do not exist, but to save my beloved I promise to be faithful to you until my last breath of life. Asking the taxi driver to proceed to the other city began to pray but did not know how to say God I am a sinner but please help my girlfriend to save her life. Last 21 days he did not even know what was smile and talk just prayed had taken his mother's prayer books, and at these times the whole family had to pray with him, he did not miss a visit to the hospital and when he learned that Alzira He left the uti he was glad I could talk to her now. In the room were over 16 days it always with her, after all she had not followed journey just returned to the city of his great love, 90 days after they married and were people who lived in front of the things of the church, he promised and fulfilled. Alzira The family was very pleased with the daughter of her husband's family, they liked it so much that the city decided to buy land and moved there. Alzira and Paul had children and lived happy working on the plantation of his family in the land bought by the family ..
.Texto Luzia Couto. Copyright reserved to the author. The copying, collage, reproduction or disclosure of any kind whatsoever, the whole or part without the prior and express authorization of the author. Rights are guaranteed in the Brazilian and international laws of intellectual property protection and disrespect will be subject to the application of appropriate penalties.
La matriz de la pequeña ciudad de la alegría era muy bonito y recibió varias caravanas fieles que visitaron e hicieron la peregrinación, en esta ciudad muy pequeña, con sólo 3000 habitantes vivían Gorete una mujer guerrera y fibra de trabajo honesto, que tenía tres hijos y dos hombres una niña, fueron Paul, Zaqueo y Catherine, eran gente humilde y trabajado demasiado duro como la madre, pero con una diferencia que la mujer tenía una gran fe en la hija de Dios también dijo tener, ya que los niños que dijeron que no creían en Dios. Un sábado por la mañana llegó a la ciudad una distancia de muchas mujeres y niñas de la caravana llegó a la barra para comprar agua y helado, Paul estaba allí y se enamoró de uno de los jóvenes, pero al igual que la religión no no podía ir a la iglesia pensó, llegar a casa le dijo a Catalina que va in've iglesia descubre el nombre de esa chica para mí y mostró cuando ella salió del bar. La hermana dijo que el día pasó y se fue a la plaza, lugar pequeño todos se conocen y se reunió con varios amigos y comenzó a beber, Zaqueo dijo a su hermano a dejar de beber, hay costumbre y nuestra madre se dé cuenta y sé qué lo hará pasar mañana es el domingo y vamos a almorzar en la casa de su empleador. Enojado Pablo estaba enojado con su hermano y continuó, Catherine regresaba de la iglesia con su madre y saludó a su hermano que se fue directamente a casa, tenía curiosidad de saber el nombre de la mujer que había robado el corazón a primera vista.
Se llama Alzira y su hermana Ali. Está bien que sólo quieren satisfacer a la mañana siguiente se levantó y se dirigió a la zona de juegos a la espera de ver pasar Alzira, cuando pasó la llamó por su nombre y se presentó, se dieron la mano dieron dos besos en la mejilla y justo, pero que quería saber derecha la chica, y luego dijo aspecto que puedo hablar con usted después de la misa, dijo a la iglesia y luego se dirigió a cabo juntos y hablar. El miedo de decir la mierda que siempre se dijo acerca de Dios, dijo que soy de otra fe. Mentira que dijo que vio a su madre y su hermana en la iglesia de hablar con ellos, yo sólo voy con usted después de eso por lo que abandonaron la misa no se va a ir bay'm. Pablo un poco torpemente mucha vergüenza la acompañó a la puerta y esperó cuando salía de ellos hablaron mucho y empezamos a salir. Tenía 30 años y ella 28 era la edad adecuada ella dijo, ella vivía en una ciudad distante leer 10 horas de viaje, ya que volverían a encontrarse de nuevo en la ciudad hasta el próximo año. Alzira estaba encantada con el niño y viceversa, el día era como una segunda para ellos, el niño no estaba en el almuerzo de la madre fue todo el tiempo pegado a la chica dan dos días que volvería a su ciudad. En la mañana del viaje, el niño estaba al lado de la amada lloraron como niños y después de tantas promesas a lo que fuese, había prometido que en los próximos meses si no iba a hablar por teléfono ya través de Internet.
El viaje tenía muchas sorpresas desagradables, el autobús volcó y muchas personas resultaron heridas y algunos muertos entre las hermanas Alzira y Aparecida gravemente heridas, para ver las noticias de Paul se volvió loco y comenzó a pensar en una manera de ayudar a su ser querido. Llamó a su hermana y le pidió el dinero prestado llamada de un impuesto y se dirigió al lugar del accidente, no lejos de su ciudad. Cuando vio la situación de autobuses su corazón se agitó, no debería haber sobrevivido nadie le dijo al taxista, que estaba llorando y sin saber qué hacer fue al hospital a buscar noticias, los pasajeros estaban todos allí, buscaron el nombre de la lista que fue clavada en la ordenanza, Alzira había sido retirado de la UCI del hospital de otra ciudad. En su desesperación, cerró los ojos y le preguntó cortésmente, Jesús Sé que he estado hablando un montón de tonterías como que no existe, pero para salvar a mi amada Prometo ser fiel a ti hasta mi último aliento de vida. Cómo pedir al taxista para proceder a la otra ciudad comenzó a rezar, pero no sabía cómo decir a dios que soy un pecador, pero por favor ayuda a mi novia para salvar su vida. Últimos 21 días que ni siquiera sabía lo que era la sonrisa y hablar simplemente oró había tomado libros de oraciones de su madre, y en estos momentos toda la familia tuvo que orar con él, él no se pierda una visita al hospital y cuando supo que Alzira abandonó el uti que estaba contento de poder hablar con ella ahora. En la habitación eran más de 16 días, siempre con ella, después de viaje de todo lo que ella no había seguido acaba de regresar a la ciudad de su gran amor, 90 días después de que se casaron y fueron personas que vivían frente a las cosas de la iglesia, que prometió, y cumplieron. Alzira La familia estaba muy satisfecho con la hija de la familia de su marido, que les gustaba tanto que la ciudad decidió comprar un terreno y se trasladó allí. Alzira y Paul tuvieron hijos y vivieron feliz trabajando en la plantación de su familia en la tierra comprada por la familia ..
.Texto Luzia Couto. Los derechos de autor reservado al autor. La copia, el collage, reproducción o divulgación de cualquier tipo que sea, la total o parcial sin la autorización previa y expresa del autor. Derechos están garantizados en las leyes nacionales e internacionales de protección de la propiedad intelectual y la falta de respeto estarán sujetos a la aplicación de sanciones apropiadas.
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