Uma certa noite enquanto os filhos dormiam o casal comentava entre si, será que uma dia poderemos viver em outro lugar com melhores condições de vida pra nossos filhos, mas com a segurança que temos aqui? Dora a esposa responde a Douglas, vamos sim, Deus proverá dias melhores em nossas vidas. Sim afirmava Douglas, as crianças dormiam tranquilas sem perceberem a preocupação dos pais que pensavam num futuro melhor para eles. Dora cuidava da casa e das plantações de verduras e legumes, e cuidava das galinhas poedeiras, Douglas ia todas a manhãs com sua marmita fria para trabalhar nas lavouras do sr Alfredo, ele ganhava pouco, mas com as economias de Dora eles sobreviviam. As hortaliças e as galinhas poedeiras davam uma ajuda nas despesas, Dora ensinava os filhos a fazer economia de tudo que usavam, as crianças eram Matilda, Mariana e Marcos o caçula. Eles aprenderam desde cedo que precisavam ajudar os pais, Matilda a mais velha sonhava um dia ir para cidade onde uma tia morava, ela queria estudar e ser professora. Mariana a do meio dizia que queria ser igual a mãe mãos na terra, ela ajudava Dora nos canteiros e a plantar as verduras, o caçula tinha apenas 06 anos e ficava o tempo todo atras da mãe e das irmãs. Matilda estava terminando o primário que era oferecido ali na roça, tão logo a tia Lúcia aparecesse ela pediria pra ir morar com ela na cidade, o que os pais não deixariam. Douglas confidenciou a um colega de trabalho a vontade de melhorar de vida longe dali, pois não suportava mais trabalhar sol a sol e no fim do mês o dinheiro não dar para fechar as despesas. Mesmo com ajuda preciosa da esposa Dora as coisas estavam difíceis, era chegada a hora de pensar melhor no assunto mudança.
Dora estava observando o esposo cabisbaixo e triste e resolveu aborda-lo, este um tanto desanimado convida a esposa a dar uma volta na estrada que levava ao riacho que cortava as terras de sr Alfredo. Lá enquanto observam as águas calmas do riacho eles conversavam e tomaram uma decisão, iriam procurar um lugar para se mudarem, a tranquilidade ali era boa, as crianças estavam seguras, mas que futuro teriam? Eles eram jovens ainda poderiam ter um trabalho com melhores condições e assim garantir um futuro melhor a seus filhos. Douglas diria a sr Alfredo que sairia em busca de um trabalho que lhe desse condições de oferecer uma vida melhor a sua família. Sendo assim Dora concordou iriam juntos, a noite depois de fazer as orações eles conversaram com as filhas que eram um pouco maiores que Marcos. Matilda concordou com os pais e se propôs a tentar um trabalho para cuidar de crianças, os pais riram e disseram agradecemos filha, mas como uma criança poderá cuidar de outra? Matilda tinha 12 anos, era inteligente e meiga, tinha bastante juízo para sua idade, Mariana tinha 10 era mais criança ainda brincava com as bonecas de pano que a mãe fazia. Enquanto dormia Matilda sonhou com a nova moradia, era um local amplo cheio de flores e umas casas pequenas em volta da casa grande, o jardim era grande e coberto de flores de meio dia, tudo era lindo, porém uma coisa era estranha na casa grande, havia uma porta que não poderia ser aberta, ela curiosa abria a porta e deparava com um caixão. Aos gritos a menina acordou os pais que correram até seu quarto, ela suava e chorava ao mesmo tempo. Foi um sonho filha disse Dora depois de ouvir a filha, voltaram a dormir era madrugada, pela manhã Douglas e Dora foram até a fazenda falar com o patrão, depois de lhes ouvir Alfredo acertou as contas com Douglas e se despediram, em uma semana o casal deveria deixar as terras. A semana passou rápido logo chegou sábado o caminhão aproximava na curva da estrada e Matilda chorava por deixar ali tudo que viveu em sua infância.
Numa fazenda em um raio de 200 km havia um fazendeiro que precisava de um caseiro para morar na fazenda e cuidar, era a indicação do colega de Douglas, era próximo a cidade e havia tudo que Douglas procurava, ele chegaria antes de mandar a esposa e os filhos descerem do caminhão, era uma fazenda grande e bela, Matilda a reconheceu de imediato e disse a mãe não podemos morar aqui , é a casa grande que sonhei, Dora beijou a filha e disse foi apenas um sonho filha. Douglas foi recebido por um homem alto moreno de barba grande que pegou o bilhete que o colega mandara, em seguida convidou Douglas a se assentar e lhe ofereceu um café, o homem era o tomador de conta que vivia ali na fazenda por mais de 30 anos e agora iria finalmente morar com a filha na cidade. André era o nome dele, depois recomendou Douglas a mandar a família descer do caminhão e lhe mostrou tudo ali, disse que o patrão vivia fora do País e só vinha uma vez ao ano, mas se comunicavam toda semana por vídeo chamada. O nome do patrão era Manoel Euzébio, o homem era rico e poderoso, na região todos o temiam. Sem problemas afirmou Douglas, Matilda olhava cada canto da fazenda e pensava onde está o quarto que trás a porta fechada, sem conseguir segurar a curiosidade a menina pergunta a André se não havia por ali n afazenda um quarto secreto. O homem sorriu e disse, não! Aqui tudo é permitido, apenas não podem ir para a beira do asfalto porque é perigoso,os carros passam apressados. Depois os homens ajudaram a descer a pequena mobília de Douglas e em seguida o convidou a tomar um aperitivo enquanto Dora colocava as coisas no lugar. O homem se recusou no inicio, depois aceitou e foram até uma das casas que havia ao redor da fazenda.
Era bem tarde quase hora da janta quando Douglas voltou trazendo uma tigela cheia de carne de caça e disse a Dora, ganhei essa carne está saborosa, acho que é de paca, Dora não comia caça então disse ao marido faça bom proveito. Depois de jantarem as meninas foram ao jardim colher rosas para enfeitar as mesas e bancas que havia na casa, eram muitas todas sem toalhas e algumas cheias de gordura, depois de trabalharem duro as filhas e Dora deixaram tudo bonito. A fazenda trazia o nome pendurado no canto da casa em madeira pesada desenhada. Tinha o nome de coração de criança. Douglas estranhou o nome e interrogou a André que lhe contou uma história triste, a filha do patrão havia sido morta ali na fazenda quem a matou tirou seu coração, era uma vingança. Desde então Manoel se mudara com a esposa e a outra filha para outro País. Mas antes era um tirano, só depois da morte da filha ela amenizara um pouco sua maldade. As coisas começavam a fazer sentido para Matilda que não parava de pensar no sonho. A noite antes de dormirem a família fez as orações como sempre e foram se deitar, as duas irmãs dormiriam num quarto grande bem arejado com três camas de solteiro e um grande armário na parede. Marcos o caçula dormiria no quarto dos pais numa cama de viúvo que havia ali, o quarto era amplo e continha uma cortina velha de renda na parede. O dia raiou logo parecia que nem haviam dormido tão grande era o cansaço da família, as primeiras horas do dia foram para percorrer a fazenda e ver toda beleza que havia ali. Era muitas plantações de frutas e árvores de madeira de lei, o jardim era grande e ocupava uma boa área da fazenda, havia quatro casas pequenas em volta, todas continham mobílias simples e de madeira rústica. Mariana estava encantada com a horta que estava cheia de verduras que André cuidava, ele vendia na cidade toda sexta feira, Dora estava amedrontada com os olhares de André em cima dela, ela jovem e bela, tinha o corpo bem definido e os cabelos longos e encaracolados, seu sorriso lhe completava a beleza. Douglas mal tivera tempo de olhar as coisas ali e já fora para cidade comprar as encomendas de André que ainda ficaria umas duas semanas ali lhe passando todo trabalho.
Depois de passarem um dia todo conhecendo as novidades da fazenda era chegada a hora de finalmente falarem sobre o assunto da escola das crianças com André, este mostrou favorável e até se dispôs a ir levar Dora na cidade com as crianças e lhe mostrar a escola e cuidar de tudo que fosse necessário. Dora sentindo medo se recusou a ir com o homem, mas o marido lhe disse que fosse enquanto ele faria uma cerca melhor em volta da horta junto com outros dois homens que também trabalhavam ali. Na estrada enquanto dirigia André perguntou a Dora o que ela desejava ganhar de presente para sua nova casa, ela disse que nada, agradeceu e permaneceu em silêncio, depois o homem perguntou as crianças que cheias de entusiasmo cada uma pediu algo diferente, seria uma festa a ida na cidade.Ao retornarem para a fazenda as meninas estavam radiantes, haviam ganhado perfumes,maquiagens e prendedores de cabelo além de todo material escolar, Marcos ganhara bolas e jogos de biliar a também material escolar. Dora também mesmo sem querer havia ganhado perfumes maquiagens sabonetes prendedores de cabelos e algumas vasilhas de louça para sua cozinha. André nada bobo havia comprado bonés e botas para Douglas, o homem era mesmo tinhoso, estava cheio de segundas intenções com Dora. Desde que chegaram na fazenda o casal trabalhava sem tréguas e as crianças aguardavam ansiosas o dia de irem estudar na cidade, Douglas as levaria depois que André se fosse de vez para a casa da filha. Dora não estava gostando da situação que estava vivendo, trabalhava muito e a noite quando teria um tempo a sós com o marido os homens o convidavam a jogar cartas e beber na casa deles. Isto era plano de André que estava completamente apaixonado por Dora, ele era solteirão passava de 50 anos e uma única filha era de uma das empregadas da fazenda, ele havia tido essa filha e após a empregada morrer ele cuidou dela ate se casar. Desde então ele nunca mais se interessou por nenhuma mulher até por os olhos em Dora. Seu coração batia descompassado e arranjava mil desculpas para aproximar da mulher que não sabia o que fazer para sair da situação sem magoar André. .... A história continua no segundo episódio.
Texto da escritora Luzia Couto. Direitos Autorais Reservados a autora. Proibida a cópia, colagem, reprodução de qualquer natureza ou divulgação em qualquer meio, do todo ou parte desta obra, sem autorização expressa da autora sob pena de violação das Leis Brasileiras e Internacionais de Proteção aos Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual.
-Luzia Couto é autora do Romance "Uma prisão no paraíso", E o novo romance O Amor Acontece em Toscana, também contos variados primeiro edição volume um. á venda nas livrarias Clube de Autores (Versão Impressa) e Amazon (Versão Digital).
One night while the children slept the couple commented among themselves, could one day we live in another place with better living conditions for our children, but with the security we have here? Dora the wife responds to Douglas, yes we will, God will provide better days in our lives. Yes, Douglas said, the children slept soundly without realizing the concern of their parents who thought of a better future for them. Dora took care of the house and vegetable and vegetable plantations, and tended to the laying hens, Douglas went every morning with his cold kettle to work on Mr. Alfredo's crops, he earned little, but with Dora's savings they survived. The vegetables and the laying hens gave an aid in the expenses, Dora taught the children to make economy of all that they used, the children were Matilda, Mariana and Marcos the youngest. They learned early on that they needed to help their parents, Matilda the older one dreamed one day to go to the city where an aunt lived, she wanted to study and to be a teacher. Mariana in the middle said that she wanted to be like mother hands on earth, she helped Dora in the flower beds and planted the vegetables, the youngest was only six years old and was always behind the mother and the sisters. Matilda was finishing the primary that was offered there in the countryside, as soon as Aunt Lucia appeared she would ask to go and live with her in the city, which the parents would not let. Douglas confided to a co-worker's willingness to improve his life far away, as he could not bear to work from sun up to the sun and at the end of the month the money would not be enough to close the expenses. Even with the precious help of his wife Dora, things were difficult, and it was time to think better about the change.
Dora was watching the sad and sad husband and decided to approach him, this somewhat discouraged invites his wife to take a ride on the road that led to the stream that cut Mr. Alfredo lands. There they watched the calm waters of the stream, they talked and made a decision, they would find a place to move, the tranquility there was good, the children were safe, but what future would they have? They were young could still have a job with better conditions and thus ensure a better future for their children. Douglas would tell Mr. Alfredo that he would go out in search of a job that could give him a better life for his family. So Dora agreed they would go together, the night after they prayed they talked to daughters who were a little older than Mark. Matilda agreed with her parents and proposed to try a job to look after children, parents laughed and said thank you daughter, but how can a child take care of another? Matilda was 12 years old, intelligent and kind, had enough judgment for her age, Mariana was 10 was more child still played with the cloth dolls that her mother made. While sleeping Matilda dreamed of the new house, it was a large place full of flowers and small houses around the big house, the garden was big and covered with flowers of half a day, everything was beautiful, but one thing was strange in the big house , there was a door that could not be opened, she curiously opened the door and came upon a coffin. The screaming girl woke the parents who ran to her room, she sweated and cried at the same time. It was a dream, Dora said, after hearing her daughter, they went back to sleep at dawn, in the morning Douglas and Dora went to the farm to talk to their boss, after hearing them Alfredo settled the accounts with Douglas and said goodbye in a week. couple should leave the land. The week passed quickly as soon as Saturday arrived the truck was approaching the bend in the road and Matilda cried for leaving there everything she had lived in her childhood.
On a farm within 200 km there was a farmer who needed a housekeeper to live on the farm and take care of it, it was the indication of Douglas's colleague, it was close to town and there was everything Douglas was looking for, he would arrive before sending his wife and the children came down from the truck, it was a big and beautiful farm, Matilda recognized her right away and told her mother we can not live here, it's the big house that I dreamed of, Dora kissed her daughter and said it was just a dream daughter. Douglas was greeted by a tall dark-haired man with a large beard who took the note that his colleague had sent, then invited Douglas to sit down and offered him a coffee, the man was the account taker who lived there on the farm for over 30 years and now he was finally going to live with his daughter in town. André was his name, then he advised Douglas to send his family down from the truck and showed him everything, said that the boss lived outside the country and only came once a year, but communicated every week by video call. The name of the boss was Manoel Euzébio, the man was rich and powerful, in the region everyone feared him. No problem, said Douglas, Matilda looked at every corner of the farm and wondered where the room behind the closed door was, unable to hold the child's curiositythe girl asks Andre if there was not a secret room around. The man smiled and said no! Here everything is allowed, just can not go to the edge of the asphalt because it is dangerous, cars pass in a hurry. Then the men helped down Douglas's little furniture and then invited him to have an aperitif while Dora put things in place. The man refused at first, then accepted and went to one of the houses that were around the farm.
It was late afternoon almost dinner time when Douglas came back bringing a bowl full of game meat and told Dora, I got that meat is tasty, I think it's paca, Dora did not eat game so he told his husband to make a good profit. After dinner the girls went to the garden to pick roses to decorate the tables and benches that were in the house, were many without towels and some full of fat, after working hard the daughters and Dora made everything beautiful. The farm bore the name hanging in the corner of the house in heavy, drawn wood. It had the name of a child's heart. Doubt the name of Douglas, and he questioned Andrew, who told him a sad story, his master's daughter had been killed there on the farm, and whoever killed her took his heart, it was revenge. Since then Manoel had moved with his wife and another daughter to another country. But before that he was a tyrant, only after the death of his daughter had he softened his evil. Things began to make sense for Matilda, who kept thinking about the dream. The night before they slept the family made the usual prayers and went to bed, the two sisters would sleep in a large well-ventilated room with three single beds and a large cabinet on the wall. Mark the youngest would sleep in his parents' room on a widow's bed, the room was large and contained an old curtain of lace on the wall. The day soon dawned, it seemed as if they had not slept so great was the fatigue of the family, the first hours of the day were to go through the farm and see all the beauty that was there. There were many fruit plantations and hardwood trees, the garden was large and occupied a good area of the farm, there were four small houses around, all containing simple furnishings and rustic wood. Mariana was delighted with the garden that was full of vegetables that Andre took care of, he sold in the city every Friday, Dora was frightened by André's looks on her, she was young and beautiful, her body well defined and her hair long and curly, his smile filled his beauty. Douglas had barely had time to look at things there and he had gone to town to buy the orders from Andre that he would still spend a couple of weeks there doing all his work.
After spending a whole day getting to know the farm news, it was time to finally talk about the children's school with Andre, who was very supportive and even prepared to take Dora into the city with the children and show her the school and take care of everything that was needed. Dora was afraid she refused to go with the man, but her husband told her to go while he would make a better fence around the vegetable garden along with two other men who also worked there. On the road while driving André asked Dora what she wanted to earn as a gift to her new home, she said nothing, thanked and remained silent, then the man asked the children that full of enthusiasm each asked for something different, it would be a party When they returned to the farm, the girls were radiant, they had won perfumes, make-up and hairbrushes in addition to all school supplies, Marcos had won balls and bile games with school supplies as well. Dora had also unwittingly earned perfumes makeup hairpins soaps and some dishware for her kitchen. Andre had not bought anything and had bought hats and boots for Douglas, the man was really dingy, he was full of ulterior motives with Dora. From the time they arrived at the farm the couple worked without respite, and the children waited anxiously for the day to go to study in the city, Douglas would take them after André went to his daughter's house. Dora did not like the situation she was living in, she worked hard and the night when she would have some time alone with her husband the men would invite him to play cards and drink at their house. This was André's plan that was completely in love with Dora, he was a bachelor over 50 years old and a single daughter was from one of the farm's maids, he had had this daughter and after the maid died he cared for her until he was married. Since then he has never been interested in any woman until his eyes on Dora. His heart was beating and he was making excuses to approach the woman who did not know what to do to get out of the situation without hurting André. .... The story continues in the second episode.
Text of the author Luzia Couto. Copyright The author is reserved. No part of this work may be copied, collated, reproduced, reproduced or disseminated in any medium without the express authorization of the author under penalty of violation of the Brazilian and International Laws for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights.
-Lucia Couto is the author of the novel "A Prison in Paradise", and the new novel The Love Happens in Tuscany, also varied tales first edition volume one. for sale at the bookstores Clube de Autores (Printed Version) and Amazon (Digital Version).
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Una cierta noche mientras los hijos dormían la pareja comentaba entre sí, será que un día podremos vivir en otro lugar con mejores condiciones de vida para nuestros hijos, pero con la seguridad que tenemos aquí? Dora la esposa responde a Douglas, vamos sí, Dios proveerá días mejores en nuestras vidas. Sí afirmaba Douglas, los niños dormían tranquilos sin percibir la preocupación de los padres que pensaban en un futuro mejor para ellos. Dora cuidaba de la casa y de las plantaciones de verduras y verduras, y cuidaba de las gallinas ponedoras, Douglas iba todas las mañanas con su marmita fría para trabajar en las labranzas del señor Alfredo, él ganaba poco, pero con las economías de Dora ellos sobrevivían. Las hortalizas y las gallinas ponedoras daban una ayuda en los gastos, Dora enseñaba a los hijos a hacer economía de todo lo que usaban, los niños eran Matilda, Mariana y Marcos el menor. Ellos aprendieron desde temprano que necesitaban ayudar a los padres, Matilda la más vieja soñaba un día ir a la ciudad donde una tía vivía, ella quería estudiar y ser profesora. Mariana la del medio decía que quería ser igual a la madre manos en la tierra, ella ayudaba a Dora en los canteros ya plantar las verduras, el menor tenía apenas 06 años y quedaba todo el tiempo atras de la madre y de las hermanas. Matilda estaba terminando el primario que era ofrecido allí en la roza, tan pronto como la tía Lucía apareciera ella pedía para ir a vivir con ella en la ciudad, lo que los padres no dejarían. Douglas confesó a un compañero de trabajo la voluntad de mejorar de vida lejos de allí, pues no soportaba más trabajar sol a sol y al final del mes el dinero no dar para cerrar los gastos. Incluso con la ayuda preciosa de la esposa Dora las cosas eran difíciles, había llegado la hora de pensar mejor en el tema de cambio.
Dora estaba observando al esposo cabizbajo y triste y resolvió abordarlo, este un tanto desanimado invita a su esposa a dar una vuelta en la carretera que llevaba al arroyo que cortaba las tierras de Sr. Alfredo. Allí mientras observan las aguas tranquilas del arroyo ellos conversaban y tomaron una decisión, iban a buscar un lugar para mudarse, la tranquilidad allí era buena, los niños estaban seguros, pero qué futuro tendrían? Ellos eran jóvenes todavía podrían tener un trabajo con mejores condiciones y así garantizar un futuro mejor a sus hijos. Douglas le diría a Alfredo que saldría en busca de un trabajo que le diera condiciones de ofrecer una vida mejor a su familia. Siendo así Dora acordó irían juntos, la noche después de hacer las oraciones ellos conversaron con las hijas que eran un poco más grandes que Marcos. Matilda concordó con los padres y se propuso a intentar un trabajo para cuidar de niños, los padres se rieron y dijeron agradecemos a la hija, pero ¿cómo un niño podrá cuidar de otra? Matilda tenía 12 años, era inteligente y tierna, tenía bastante juicio para su edad, Mariana tenía 10 era más niño aún jugaba con las muñecas de tela que la madre hacía. Mientras dormía Matilda soñó con la nueva vivienda, era un lugar amplio lleno de flores y unas casas pequeñas alrededor de la casa grande, el jardín era grande y cubierto de flores de medio día, todo era hermoso, pero una cosa era extraña en la casa grande , había una puerta que no podía ser abierta, ella curiosa abría la puerta y se encontró con un ataúd. A los gritos la niña despertó a los padres que corrieron hasta su cuarto, ella sudaba y lloraba al mismo tiempo. En el caso de que no se conozcan los nombres de los personajes de la saga, los personajes de la saga Crepúsculo son los siguientes: la pareja debería dejar las tierras. La semana pasó rápido pronto llegó el sábado el camión acercaba a la curva de la carretera y Matilda lloraba por dejar allí todo lo que vivió en su infancia.
En una granja en un radio de 200 kilómetros había un granjero que necesitaba un casero para vivir en la hacienda y cuidar, era la indicación del compañero de Douglas, estaba cerca de la ciudad y había todo lo que Douglas buscaba, él llegaría antes de mandar a su esposa y los hijos descendieron del camión, era una hacienda grande y bella, Matilda la reconoció de inmediato y dijo la madre no podemos vivir aquí, es la casa grande que soñé, Dora besó a su hija y dijo fue sólo un sueño hija. Douglas fue recibido por un hombre alto moreno de barba grande que tomó el billete que el colega había mandado, luego invitó a Douglas a sentarse y le ofreció un café, el hombre era el tomador de cuenta que vivía allí en la granja por más de 30 años y ahora iba a vivir con la hija en la ciudad. En el caso de que se trate de una persona que no sea de su familia, no se le ocurrirá. El nombre del jefe era Manoel Euzébio, el hombre era rico y poderoso, en la región todos lo temían. Sin problemas, afirmó Douglas,Matilda miraba cada rincón de la hacienda y pensaba donde está el cuarto que tras la puerta cerrada, sin conseguir agarrar la curiosidad, la niña le pregunta a Andrés si no había por allí n a una habitación secreta. El hombre sonrió y dijo, no. Aquí todo está permitido, apenas no pueden ir al borde del asfalto porque es peligroso, los coches pasan apresurados. Después los hombres ayudaron a bajar el pequeño mobiliario de Douglas y luego le invitó a tomar un aperitivo mientras Dora colocaba las cosas en su lugar. El hombre se rehusó al principio, después aceptó y fueron a una de las casas que había alrededor de la hacienda.
Dora was watching the sad and sad husband and decided to approach him, this somewhat discouraged invites his wife to take a ride on the road that led to the stream that cut Mr. Alfredo lands. There they watched the calm waters of the stream, they talked and made a decision, they would find a place to move, the tranquility there was good, the children were safe, but what future would they have? They were young could still have a job with better conditions and thus ensure a better future for their children. Douglas would tell Mr. Alfredo that he would go out in search of a job that could give him a better life for his family. So Dora agreed they would go together, the night after they prayed they talked to daughters who were a little older than Mark. Matilda agreed with her parents and proposed to try a job to look after children, parents laughed and said thank you daughter, but how can a child take care of another? Matilda was 12 years old, intelligent and kind, had enough judgment for her age, Mariana was 10 was more child still played with the cloth dolls that her mother made. While sleeping Matilda dreamed of the new house, it was a large place full of flowers and small houses around the big house, the garden was big and covered with flowers of half a day, everything was beautiful, but one thing was strange in the big house , there was a door that could not be opened, she curiously opened the door and came upon a coffin. The screaming girl woke the parents who ran to her room, she sweated and cried at the same time. It was a dream, Dora said, after hearing her daughter, they went back to sleep at dawn, in the morning Douglas and Dora went to the farm to talk to their boss, after hearing them Alfredo settled the accounts with Douglas and said goodbye in a week. couple should leave the land. The week passed quickly as soon as Saturday arrived the truck was approaching the bend in the road and Matilda cried for leaving there everything she had lived in her childhood.
On a farm within 200 km there was a farmer who needed a housekeeper to live on the farm and take care of it, it was the indication of Douglas's colleague, it was close to town and there was everything Douglas was looking for, he would arrive before sending his wife and the children came down from the truck, it was a big and beautiful farm, Matilda recognized her right away and told her mother we can not live here, it's the big house that I dreamed of, Dora kissed her daughter and said it was just a dream daughter. Douglas was greeted by a tall dark-haired man with a large beard who took the note that his colleague had sent, then invited Douglas to sit down and offered him a coffee, the man was the account taker who lived there on the farm for over 30 years and now he was finally going to live with his daughter in town. André was his name, then he advised Douglas to send his family down from the truck and showed him everything, said that the boss lived outside the country and only came once a year, but communicated every week by video call. The name of the boss was Manoel Euzébio, the man was rich and powerful, in the region everyone feared him. No problem, said Douglas, Matilda looked at every corner of the farm and wondered where the room behind the closed door was, unable to hold the child's curiositythe girl asks Andre if there was not a secret room around. The man smiled and said no! Here everything is allowed, just can not go to the edge of the asphalt because it is dangerous, cars pass in a hurry. Then the men helped down Douglas's little furniture and then invited him to have an aperitif while Dora put things in place. The man refused at first, then accepted and went to one of the houses that were around the farm.
It was late afternoon almost dinner time when Douglas came back bringing a bowl full of game meat and told Dora, I got that meat is tasty, I think it's paca, Dora did not eat game so he told his husband to make a good profit. After dinner the girls went to the garden to pick roses to decorate the tables and benches that were in the house, were many without towels and some full of fat, after working hard the daughters and Dora made everything beautiful. The farm bore the name hanging in the corner of the house in heavy, drawn wood. It had the name of a child's heart. Doubt the name of Douglas, and he questioned Andrew, who told him a sad story, his master's daughter had been killed there on the farm, and whoever killed her took his heart, it was revenge. Since then Manoel had moved with his wife and another daughter to another country. But before that he was a tyrant, only after the death of his daughter had he softened his evil. Things began to make sense for Matilda, who kept thinking about the dream. The night before they slept the family made the usual prayers and went to bed, the two sisters would sleep in a large well-ventilated room with three single beds and a large cabinet on the wall. Mark the youngest would sleep in his parents' room on a widow's bed, the room was large and contained an old curtain of lace on the wall. The day soon dawned, it seemed as if they had not slept so great was the fatigue of the family, the first hours of the day were to go through the farm and see all the beauty that was there. There were many fruit plantations and hardwood trees, the garden was large and occupied a good area of the farm, there were four small houses around, all containing simple furnishings and rustic wood. Mariana was delighted with the garden that was full of vegetables that Andre took care of, he sold in the city every Friday, Dora was frightened by André's looks on her, she was young and beautiful, her body well defined and her hair long and curly, his smile filled his beauty. Douglas had barely had time to look at things there and he had gone to town to buy the orders from Andre that he would still spend a couple of weeks there doing all his work.
After spending a whole day getting to know the farm news, it was time to finally talk about the children's school with Andre, who was very supportive and even prepared to take Dora into the city with the children and show her the school and take care of everything that was needed. Dora was afraid she refused to go with the man, but her husband told her to go while he would make a better fence around the vegetable garden along with two other men who also worked there. On the road while driving André asked Dora what she wanted to earn as a gift to her new home, she said nothing, thanked and remained silent, then the man asked the children that full of enthusiasm each asked for something different, it would be a party When they returned to the farm, the girls were radiant, they had won perfumes, make-up and hairbrushes in addition to all school supplies, Marcos had won balls and bile games with school supplies as well. Dora had also unwittingly earned perfumes makeup hairpins soaps and some dishware for her kitchen. Andre had not bought anything and had bought hats and boots for Douglas, the man was really dingy, he was full of ulterior motives with Dora. From the time they arrived at the farm the couple worked without respite, and the children waited anxiously for the day to go to study in the city, Douglas would take them after André went to his daughter's house. Dora did not like the situation she was living in, she worked hard and the night when she would have some time alone with her husband the men would invite him to play cards and drink at their house. This was André's plan that was completely in love with Dora, he was a bachelor over 50 years old and a single daughter was from one of the farm's maids, he had had this daughter and after the maid died he cared for her until he was married. Since then he has never been interested in any woman until his eyes on Dora. His heart was beating and he was making excuses to approach the woman who did not know what to do to get out of the situation without hurting André. .... The story continues in the second episode.
Text of the author Luzia Couto. Copyright The author is reserved. No part of this work may be copied, collated, reproduced, reproduced or disseminated in any medium without the express authorization of the author under penalty of violation of the Brazilian and International Laws for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights.
-Lucia Couto is the author of the novel "A Prison in Paradise", and the new novel The Love Happens in Tuscany, also varied tales first edition volume one. for sale at the bookstores Clube de Autores (Printed Version) and Amazon (Digital Version).
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Una cierta noche mientras los hijos dormían la pareja comentaba entre sí, será que un día podremos vivir en otro lugar con mejores condiciones de vida para nuestros hijos, pero con la seguridad que tenemos aquí? Dora la esposa responde a Douglas, vamos sí, Dios proveerá días mejores en nuestras vidas. Sí afirmaba Douglas, los niños dormían tranquilos sin percibir la preocupación de los padres que pensaban en un futuro mejor para ellos. Dora cuidaba de la casa y de las plantaciones de verduras y verduras, y cuidaba de las gallinas ponedoras, Douglas iba todas las mañanas con su marmita fría para trabajar en las labranzas del señor Alfredo, él ganaba poco, pero con las economías de Dora ellos sobrevivían. Las hortalizas y las gallinas ponedoras daban una ayuda en los gastos, Dora enseñaba a los hijos a hacer economía de todo lo que usaban, los niños eran Matilda, Mariana y Marcos el menor. Ellos aprendieron desde temprano que necesitaban ayudar a los padres, Matilda la más vieja soñaba un día ir a la ciudad donde una tía vivía, ella quería estudiar y ser profesora. Mariana la del medio decía que quería ser igual a la madre manos en la tierra, ella ayudaba a Dora en los canteros ya plantar las verduras, el menor tenía apenas 06 años y quedaba todo el tiempo atras de la madre y de las hermanas. Matilda estaba terminando el primario que era ofrecido allí en la roza, tan pronto como la tía Lucía apareciera ella pedía para ir a vivir con ella en la ciudad, lo que los padres no dejarían. Douglas confesó a un compañero de trabajo la voluntad de mejorar de vida lejos de allí, pues no soportaba más trabajar sol a sol y al final del mes el dinero no dar para cerrar los gastos. Incluso con la ayuda preciosa de la esposa Dora las cosas eran difíciles, había llegado la hora de pensar mejor en el tema de cambio.
Dora estaba observando al esposo cabizbajo y triste y resolvió abordarlo, este un tanto desanimado invita a su esposa a dar una vuelta en la carretera que llevaba al arroyo que cortaba las tierras de Sr. Alfredo. Allí mientras observan las aguas tranquilas del arroyo ellos conversaban y tomaron una decisión, iban a buscar un lugar para mudarse, la tranquilidad allí era buena, los niños estaban seguros, pero qué futuro tendrían? Ellos eran jóvenes todavía podrían tener un trabajo con mejores condiciones y así garantizar un futuro mejor a sus hijos. Douglas le diría a Alfredo que saldría en busca de un trabajo que le diera condiciones de ofrecer una vida mejor a su familia. Siendo así Dora acordó irían juntos, la noche después de hacer las oraciones ellos conversaron con las hijas que eran un poco más grandes que Marcos. Matilda concordó con los padres y se propuso a intentar un trabajo para cuidar de niños, los padres se rieron y dijeron agradecemos a la hija, pero ¿cómo un niño podrá cuidar de otra? Matilda tenía 12 años, era inteligente y tierna, tenía bastante juicio para su edad, Mariana tenía 10 era más niño aún jugaba con las muñecas de tela que la madre hacía. Mientras dormía Matilda soñó con la nueva vivienda, era un lugar amplio lleno de flores y unas casas pequeñas alrededor de la casa grande, el jardín era grande y cubierto de flores de medio día, todo era hermoso, pero una cosa era extraña en la casa grande , había una puerta que no podía ser abierta, ella curiosa abría la puerta y se encontró con un ataúd. A los gritos la niña despertó a los padres que corrieron hasta su cuarto, ella sudaba y lloraba al mismo tiempo. En el caso de que no se conozcan los nombres de los personajes de la saga, los personajes de la saga Crepúsculo son los siguientes: la pareja debería dejar las tierras. La semana pasó rápido pronto llegó el sábado el camión acercaba a la curva de la carretera y Matilda lloraba por dejar allí todo lo que vivió en su infancia.
En una granja en un radio de 200 kilómetros había un granjero que necesitaba un casero para vivir en la hacienda y cuidar, era la indicación del compañero de Douglas, estaba cerca de la ciudad y había todo lo que Douglas buscaba, él llegaría antes de mandar a su esposa y los hijos descendieron del camión, era una hacienda grande y bella, Matilda la reconoció de inmediato y dijo la madre no podemos vivir aquí, es la casa grande que soñé, Dora besó a su hija y dijo fue sólo un sueño hija. Douglas fue recibido por un hombre alto moreno de barba grande que tomó el billete que el colega había mandado, luego invitó a Douglas a sentarse y le ofreció un café, el hombre era el tomador de cuenta que vivía allí en la granja por más de 30 años y ahora iba a vivir con la hija en la ciudad. En el caso de que se trate de una persona que no sea de su familia, no se le ocurrirá. El nombre del jefe era Manoel Euzébio, el hombre era rico y poderoso, en la región todos lo temían. Sin problemas, afirmó Douglas,Matilda miraba cada rincón de la hacienda y pensaba donde está el cuarto que tras la puerta cerrada, sin conseguir agarrar la curiosidad, la niña le pregunta a Andrés si no había por allí n a una habitación secreta. El hombre sonrió y dijo, no. Aquí todo está permitido, apenas no pueden ir al borde del asfalto porque es peligroso, los coches pasan apresurados. Después los hombres ayudaron a bajar el pequeño mobiliario de Douglas y luego le invitó a tomar un aperitivo mientras Dora colocaba las cosas en su lugar. El hombre se rehusó al principio, después aceptó y fueron a una de las casas que había alrededor de la hacienda.
En el caso de que se trate de una persona que no sea de su agrado, no se le ocurrirá. Después de cenar las chicas se fueron al jardín cosechar rosas para adornar las mesas y los puestos que había en la casa, eran muchas todas sin toallas y algunas llenas de grasa, después de trabajar duro las hijas y Dora dejaron todo hermoso. La hacienda traía el nombre colgado en la esquina de la casa de madera pesada dibujada. Tenía el nombre de corazón de niño. Douglas extrañó el nombre e interrogó a Andrés que le contó una historia triste, la hija del jefe había sido muerta allí en la granja quien la mató sacó su corazón, era una venganza. Desde entonces Manoel se había mudado con la esposa y la otra hija a otro País. Pero antes era un tirano, sólo después de la muerte de su hija ella suavizó un poco su maldad. Las cosas comenzaban a tener sentido para Matilda que no paraba de pensar en el sueño. La noche antes de dormir la familia hizo las oraciones como siempre y se acostaron, las dos hermanas durmieron en una habitación grande bien ventilada con tres camas de soltero y un gran armario en la pared. Marcos el chico dormía en la habitación de los padres en una cama de viudo que había allí, la habitación era amplia y contenía una cortina vieja de encaje en la pared. El día rayó pronto parecía que ni habían dormido tan grande era el cansancio de la familia, las primeras horas del día fueron a recorrer la hacienda y ver toda la belleza que había allí. Era muchas plantaciones de frutas y árboles de madera de ley, el jardín era grande y ocupaba una buena área de la hacienda, había cuatro casas pequeñas alrededor, todas contenían muebles simples y de madera rústica. Mariana estaba encantada con la huerta que estaba llena de verduras que André cuidaba, él vendía en la ciudad cada viernes, Dora estaba asustada con las miradas de Andrés sobre ella, ella joven y bella, tenía el cuerpo bien definido y los cabellos largos y y su sonrisa le completó la belleza. Douglas apenas había tenido tiempo de mirar las cosas allí y ya fuera para la ciudad comprar los pedidos de André que todavía quedaría unas dos semanas allí le pasando todo el trabajo.
Después de pasar un día entero conociendo las novedades de la hacienda era la hora de finalmente hablar sobre el asunto de la escuela de los niños con Andrés, éste mostró favorable y hasta se dispuso a ir a llevar a Dora en la ciudad con los niños y mostrarle la escuela y, cuidar de todo lo que fuera necesario. Dora sintiendo miedo se rehusó a ir con el hombre, pero su marido le dijo que fuera mientras él haría una cerca mejor alrededor de la huerta junto a otros dos hombres que también trabajaban allí. En la carretera mientras conducía André preguntó a Dora lo que ella deseaba ganar de regalo para su nueva casa, ella dijo que nada, agradeció y permaneció en silencio, después el hombre preguntó a los niños que llenos de entusiasmo cada uno pidió algo diferente, sería una fiesta a la vuelta en la ciudad. Al regresar a la hacienda las chicas estaban radiantes, habían ganado perfumes, maquillajes y sujetadores de pelo además de todo material escolar, Marcos ganó balones y juegos de biliar a también material escolar. Dora también incluso sin querer había ganado perfumes maquillajes jabones prendedores de pelo y algunas vasijas de vajilla para su cocina. André nada bobo había comprado gorras y botas para Douglas, el hombre era incluso tinto, estaba lleno de segundas intenciones con Dora. Desde que llegaron a la hacienda la pareja trabajaba sin tregua y los niños esperaban ansiosos el día de ir a estudiar en la ciudad, Douglas las llevaría después de que Andrés se fuera de vez para la casa de su hija. Dora no estaba disfrutando de la situación que estaba viviendo, trabajaba mucho y la noche cuando tenía un tiempo a solas con el marido los hombres le invitaban a jugar cartas y beber en su casa. En el caso de que se trate de una persona que no sea de su familia, no se le ocurrirá. Desde entonces él nunca más se interesó por ninguna mujer hasta por los ojos en Dora. Su corazón golpeaba descompasado y arreglaba mil disculpas para acercarse a la mujer que no sabía qué hacer para salir de la situación sin herir a Andrés. ... La historia continúa en el segundo episodio.
Texto de la escritora Luzia Couto. Derechos Reservados Reservados a la autora. Prohibida la copia, pegado, reproducción de cualquier naturaleza o divulgación en cualquier medio, del todo o parte de esta obra, sin autorización expresa de la autora bajo pena de violación de las Leyes Brasileñas e Internacionales de Protección a los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual.
-Luzia Couto es autora del Romance "Una prisión en el paraíso", Y la nueva novela El Amor Acontece en Toscana, también contos variados primera edición volumen uno. a la venta en las librerías Club de Autores (Versión Impresa) y Amazon (Versión Digital).
Después de pasar un día entero conociendo las novedades de la hacienda era la hora de finalmente hablar sobre el asunto de la escuela de los niños con Andrés, éste mostró favorable y hasta se dispuso a ir a llevar a Dora en la ciudad con los niños y mostrarle la escuela y, cuidar de todo lo que fuera necesario. Dora sintiendo miedo se rehusó a ir con el hombre, pero su marido le dijo que fuera mientras él haría una cerca mejor alrededor de la huerta junto a otros dos hombres que también trabajaban allí. En la carretera mientras conducía André preguntó a Dora lo que ella deseaba ganar de regalo para su nueva casa, ella dijo que nada, agradeció y permaneció en silencio, después el hombre preguntó a los niños que llenos de entusiasmo cada uno pidió algo diferente, sería una fiesta a la vuelta en la ciudad. Al regresar a la hacienda las chicas estaban radiantes, habían ganado perfumes, maquillajes y sujetadores de pelo además de todo material escolar, Marcos ganó balones y juegos de biliar a también material escolar. Dora también incluso sin querer había ganado perfumes maquillajes jabones prendedores de pelo y algunas vasijas de vajilla para su cocina. André nada bobo había comprado gorras y botas para Douglas, el hombre era incluso tinto, estaba lleno de segundas intenciones con Dora. Desde que llegaron a la hacienda la pareja trabajaba sin tregua y los niños esperaban ansiosos el día de ir a estudiar en la ciudad, Douglas las llevaría después de que Andrés se fuera de vez para la casa de su hija. Dora no estaba disfrutando de la situación que estaba viviendo, trabajaba mucho y la noche cuando tenía un tiempo a solas con el marido los hombres le invitaban a jugar cartas y beber en su casa. En el caso de que se trate de una persona que no sea de su familia, no se le ocurrirá. Desde entonces él nunca más se interesó por ninguna mujer hasta por los ojos en Dora. Su corazón golpeaba descompasado y arreglaba mil disculpas para acercarse a la mujer que no sabía qué hacer para salir de la situación sin herir a Andrés. ... La historia continúa en el segundo episodio.
Texto de la escritora Luzia Couto. Derechos Reservados Reservados a la autora. Prohibida la copia, pegado, reproducción de cualquier naturaleza o divulgación en cualquier medio, del todo o parte de esta obra, sin autorización expresa de la autora bajo pena de violación de las Leyes Brasileñas e Internacionales de Protección a los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual.
-Luzia Couto es autora del Romance "Una prisión en el paraíso", Y la nueva novela El Amor Acontece en Toscana, también contos variados primera edición volumen uno. a la venta en las librerías Club de Autores (Versión Impresa) y Amazon (Versión Digital).
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